Tech Gifts that Millennial Employees Actually Want

Employees who are between the ages of 25 and 40 years old are considered millennials, and they make up most of the current workforce. Trying to come up with a gift idea for this tech-obsessed generation can be difficult. However, because they love their tech and gadgets, corporations actually have a wide variety of gift options to choose from. To make things easier, we have come up with a few gift ideas that your millennial employees would love.

Amazon Speakers

It’s no secret that the millennial generation has a loyalty to Amazon and its products. Amazon has come up with several tech products that are highly sought after, including their smart speakers. These speakers are the original smart speakers that respond to voice commands, with endless features that will enhance the home experience. Depending on your budget, both the Amazon Echo and the Amazon Echo Dot will be a gift that your employees could actually use on a regular basis. These speakers can even be linked together in groups, so receiving another as a gift is always welcome.

PackIt Lunch Boxes

When millennials were kids, many of them would eat the classic Lunchable that came with neatly packed snacks with cheese, crackers, and some fruit. The downside to these lunches was that they came without pockets, storage, or the option to keep their food refrigerated. PackIt’s lunch boxes come lined with freezable gel that keeps your lunch fresh and protected from spoiling, making your employee’s lunch break that much more enjoyable. Health-conscious millennials will enjoy this eco-friendly way to bring fresh lunches to work.

Apple Watches

Another brand that millennials find themselves chasing after is Apple. The Apple Watch would be an unforgettable gift that has a significant amount of utility. The Apple Watch is extremely popular among this demographic because it helps them stay fit, in the loop, and in style. Employees will be able to sync their phones, watch, and Macbooks together to capitalize on what modern technology has to offer.

Graco Baby Gear

A large portion of millennials are at the age where they are starting their own families. If you know that one or several of your employees are parents, items from Graco would make for an impactful gift. Graco baby monitors have user-friendly cameras that will give new parents a peace of mind as their baby sleeps. Graco’s technology makes parenting just a little bit easier, and receiving one of Graco’s items could make all the difference for your employee. There is a reason why Graco can be found on nearly every baby registration.

Visit our brand library for more background on the world’s top brands. Who knows, maybe we’ll spark the idea for your next brilliant gift campaign.